Do you want to know the cheapest time to travel in the coming months?
We constantly monitor flight price trends here at Dohop. In analyzing how prices evolved in 2015 and the pattern thus far in 2016, we can estimate that its likely we’ll see a drop in flight prices in the next months.
Even though the prices on flights from Iceland right now are 17% lower than in previous years (more competition perhaps?), we expect them to drop even further.
The green line in the graph below shows how prices were in 2015 and the red line shows monthly average prices so far in 2016
You can see, for instance, how much cheaper flights are now than they were at the same time last year.
The gray line represents our prediction for the rest of 2016.
There is less of an increase in flight prices this summer because we have not seen as much of an increase in flight prices to the U.S. as we saw last year.
The good news, of course, is that as low as prices are right now, we expect an even further drop as the year progresses into autumn, which is a great time to travel.